(i) On the way to and from school, students are expected to
conduct themselves and maintain the standards of the school.
(ii) Parents are earnestly requested not to call to see their wards
during class hour, this has a disturbing effect on the children and such requests will not be entertained.
(iii) In all cases of absence of students from school, a written explanation must be sent to the principal signed by the Parents
and no other relative.
(iv) Students who do not sit in the final examination or who fail to
reach the required standard therein will not be promoted on any account.
(v)The Managers, acting through the Principal reserves the right of terminating any student if he is found ineffectual, continued idleness, use of bad languages, chewing of pan masala/any form of intoxicants or drugs, damaging school property etc. and particularly any offences against honesty or morality, will expose the offender to immediate removal.
(vi) An inspection parade is held daily before class. All students
must be present 10 minutes before the school commences.
(vii) Students without school uniform are not allowed to attend
their classes.
(viii) Students are responsible to the school authorities for their
conduct and good behaviour both in and outside the school is
(ix) English which is the medium of instruction in the school,
should be used at all times on the school premises.
(x)Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality, cleanliness and a sense of
discipline in their children.
(xi) Parents should take care that children do their homework and
come well prepared to school on time.
(xii) The school is not responsible for any loss of valuable things by the student, but such cases should be reported to the principal/class teacher immediately.
(xiii) Students should not damage the school property.
(xiv) Parents are requested to meet the class teachers on the
specified days in regard to their child’s progress in studies. It is very important to attend the parents-teacher meetings which
are organised on a regular basis.
(xv) The school diary is a compulsory information book for each
student, which serves as a source of information about the activities of the school and a link between the school and the
(xvi) Parents/Guardians should look into the reports given by the
principal/Teachers and sign them. Any complaints should be
made in writing to the teacher concerned.
(xvii) Parents/Guardians or any visitors are forbidden to visit the
classes and talk to the teachers or students during class hours
without the written permission of the principal.
(xviii) Student will not be permitted to leave the school premises
during the recess/tiffin break, or during school hours.
(xix) Guardians who choose to reach and collect their wards before
and after school hours should be on time to see that their wards could reach the institution before the commencement of class and in time to collect their wards after school hours failing at which the institution cannot be held responsible.
(xxi) Bringing any electronic device (Mobile, Pager, iPod, etc.) is
strictly prohibited. In case anyone is found, the child will be terminated at once from the school, Parents should co-operate in this regard. The decision of the school disciplinary committee will be final.
(xx) The motto of our school is THOROUGH and the management of the institution endeavours to fulfil its motto and as such suggestions from guardians will be fully entertained and welcomed which could benefit the student and the institution, but the management reserves to itself all matters of decision.